Aside from showers, however, April is shaping up to be UIUC CAN's busiest month ever! We have protests, rallies, conferences, and vigil all in the works! It's amazing to think that in one short year CAN could have grown so fast, but that seems to be exactly what has happened, and our current membership is amazingly devoted!
So, without further self-congratulations, I present to you UIUC CAN's April Schedule!
On Friday April 4th, we will be hosting a a candlelight vigil to mourn and commemorate the American and Iraqi deaths thus far. Join us at 8:00pm at the Alma Mater (intersection of Wright and Green) for this remembrance. We will have candles, but if you wish to bring your own, that would be groovy.
On Saturday, April 12th at 2:00 local High School will be staging a Die-In at the corner of Wright and Green. Come out and support these young activists, especially if the weather is nice.
Friday April 18- Sunday April 20 is our much-hyped CAN Midwest Conference! We would love for you to join us as we trek out to the University of Iowa at Iowa City for a weekend of workshops, activism, parties, famous speakers, culminating in a massive protest through Iowa City! For more information, contact Pete Rhomberg at or call him at (708) 828-9926. And remember: other RSOs are more than invited! We want this conference to be for anyone who's opposed to this occupation!
Finally, CAN is planning some sort of demonstration on May 1st, the 5th anniversary of President Bush's now infamous "Mission Accomplished" speech. Detail will be forthcoming as we figure them out, but mark your calanders!
College Not Combat - Troops Out NOW!
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