Saturday, February 16, 2008

CAN's Blog is up and running!

Blogging today from the basement of the Espresso Royale on 6th and Daniel, the Campus Antiwar Network's newly formed media group is pleased to make our first blog post.

We are the Campus Antiwar Network! We are the students and community of the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, and we are sick and tired of the illegal occupation of Iraq, and the continuing occupation in Afghanistan! As the predominant antiwar group on campus, we are dedicated to reaching out to other organization who sympathize with our position and goals, and are always trying to recruit more students to fight the illegal war in whatever way they can. We also try to reach across the gap separating undergraduate and graduate students, and the gap between students and teachers, and students and the community, to create one united antiwar community in Urbana-Champaign.

CAN calls for the immediate withdrawal of troops and contractors from Iraq.
CAN calls for an immediate end to US Imperialism in the Middle East.
CAN will not accept a redeployment of troops from Iraq to Afghanistan.
CAN understands, and helps to foster the understanding, that the war is directly linked to economic, environmental, educational, and social issues currently being discussed across the nation.
CAN supports war resistors and the Iraq Veterans Against the War.
CAN rejects Imperialism, Racism, Classism, Sexism, Hompohobia, and Islamophobia.

CAN promotes peace.

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